The term ‘detox’ is one that usually has us thinking of juice cleanses, quick weight loss or something we need to do for committing dietary or lifestyle sins.
Detoxification is one of your body’s natural daily processes-it changes dietary and environmental toxins into less harmful substances before excreting them from your body. Our bodies are actually incredibly efficient at metabolising and removing these harmful toxins and substances, however it is possible, and perhaps beneficial, to aid your body’s natural process of detoxification from time to time. Even if you’re fit and well, a regular detox may leave you feeling more energised as you’ve reduced your toxin load.
The term ‘toxin’ refers to any substance that has the potential to interfere with normal cellular function and that may negatively impact both your short and long-term health.
Our bodies are designed to process and remove toxins via key elimination channels such as the liver, kidneys, lung, lymph, colon and skin. Individuals vary in how resistant they are to the effects of everyday toxins and how efficiently they can remove them.
Exposure to toxicity is an unfortunate, yet unavoidable part of life so the first and most important thing you can do to help your body remove toxins, is to aim to reduce the amount of toxins you are exposed to and look after your organs of detoxification.
It is important to note that reducing or removing toxins for a short period of time will only help your body for a short period of time. Permanently removing all toxins from your environment is near impossible and difficult to carry out.
A detox program should be personalised and supervised by a medical professional. It should take into account your health history, medication and/or any current health issues such as diabetes, severe asthma or disordered eating. For those looking at a detox in order to lose weight, be mindful that toxins are stored in fat cells, losing weight too quickly can result in a flood of toxins into the body. Always opt for making small changes over time and commit to those changes as a lifestyle change, rather than a quick fix.
Healthy detoxification programs have been the cornerstone of contemporary and traditional medical practices for generations. The key goal is to reduce your toxin burden while improving your toxin resistance-achieving a healthy balance. Symptoms of detoxification and withdrawal from foods are commonly experienced during detox programs-nausea, headache, stomach upset or the feeling of a furry coating on your teeth and tongue. These symptoms usually diminish after a few days leaving you feeling alert and refreshed. Drinking plenty of water and decaffeinated herbal tea throughout any detox program is most important.